Men’s Fellowship
Our Men’s Ministry is designed to equip, strengthen, and encourage the men of the congregation in their service to God. We meet on the 2nd Monday night of every month for a Men’s Fellowship. The men are constantly looking for new ways in which they can serve.

Women of the Word – W.O.W.
Women of the Word is a women’s Bible study group that meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday nights of the month.

Ladies Bible Class
Our Ladies Bible class meets on Tuesday mornings at 10:00 a.m. for a Bible class. The ladies in this class enjoy studying God’s Word together are are very active in serving in the congregation and in our community.

Ladies Day
Each year the Siwell Road ladies host a Ladies Day. This is always an uplifting and enjoyable time of Bible study and fellowship.

Youth and Family
At Siwell Road we strive to have a family-based youth program. Our families here at Siwell Road are extremely active in the work of the Church. The purpose of this ministry is to develop and strengthen the spiritual lives of the youth and families so that each person will live a faithful life of service to God. Our Juniors, 5th grade and under, and our Seniors, 6th grade through 12th, are involved in a number of activities each month. Along with our Bible class program, the Juniors enjoy 9 Good Minutes each Sunday evening before evening service, and our youth are active in Lads to Leaders.