Giving of Gifts

This time of year, many people spend a lot of time, effort, and money trying to find the perfect gift. People will search far and wide and spend more money than they really even have just to give someone that very special gift. Most people can’t wait for their friends or family members to open up their gifts. They long to see the smiles on the faces of their loved ones. They truly love the joy that their gifts have brought to lives of people that are dear to their heart. Most people love giving gifts and sharing that kind of joy so much, that they continually look forward to the next opportunity where they can bless somebody’s life by the giving of a gift. 

As Christians, we are to be gift giving people. There is one perfect gift that we are to devote our time, effort, and even our money to sharing with the entire world. This is a gift that money can’t buy. Its value is greater than all money in the world. It is the gift that has truly blessed our lives and it is the gift that truly keeps on giving. (Ephesians 1:3-14). 

As this year comes to an end let us continue to remember that God gave us the perfect gift in the giving of His Son. (John 3:16). The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the perfect gift that we can share with the entire world. As we go through life let us always remember to take the Gospel with us. (Matthew 28:19-20). It is truly the perfect gift and it truly changes lives. (Romans 1:16).

Derek Broome