Draw Near to God

There are people in our world that feel like they have nobody and that nobody cares. There are others that feel like they have been blessed with an abundance of friends and family and they enjoy the special relationships that they have. These groups may seem completely different on the surface, but there are some common elements that are shared between both groups.

Most people, even though there are some exceptions to this rule, want to feel close to somebody. When it comes down to it we as people need that closeness. We need friends, family, and possibly the relationship that is found between a man and a woman as husband and wife. We see in Genesis 2:18-24 that God saw the need for man not to be alone. God made woman to be the helper of man. Adam needed that comparable companion. He needed a wife. Men and women are comparable companions for each other and they represent the fact that we as people need relationships.

So we can understand that not having relationships like friends, family, or possibly a spouse, or at least feeling like you are all alone, could be very painful. But what about people with many close relationships? Do they ever experience pain because of relationships? Are people ever let down by a friend or betrayed? Do people experience pain or loss when someone they care about moves away or even worse, dies? Pain is felt by people that desire that closeness and yet feel like they have nobody, and pain is felt by those that have those special relationships and have those relationships experience change, loss, or separation.

The need for relationships and the fact that relationships can sometimes be painful puts all of mankind in need of help. The best place to turn when we are in need of help is to God. Afterall, God created us (Genesis 1:1), made us in His image (Genesis 1:27), loves us (John 3:16), died for us while we were sinners (Romans 5:8), and has provided a way through His Son for us to be saved from our sins and added to His family (Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, John 14:6, Galatians 3:27, Acts 2:38, Acts 2:47).

The best relationship that a person can have is with Christ Jesus our Lord. If we are in Christ and continue to walk according to the will of God then we can always be sure of a good relationship with Him (1 John 1:7-9).

For those of us in Christ we have an opportunity every day to help people come to Christ. Souls all around us are hurting. They are hurting because of sin and they are hurting because of the difficulties of life. Some feel alone, some have been betrayed and let down, and some have lost loved ones. No matter their circumstances the Lord can help. We all need to draw near to God and we need to know that He will draw near to us (James 4:8). Let us live each day where people can see the hope that is in us (1 Peter 3:15).

Derek Broome