“Blue Skies and Rainbows”
Over the past several weeks while worshipping at home with my family I have had the opportunity to sing a lot with my kids. What I have learned is that my kids have a very few songs that they love, and they want to sing them over and over and over again. But how can I really say no? They love to sing, and they love God. So, in our devotional times and in some extra singing we do as a family we usually sing a lot of the same songs. One of those songs that we have been singing a lot is “Blue Skies and Rainbows”. This has been one of Joshua’s favorite songs for a long time.
I know that this song is typical sang with children, but this song has a powerful and encouraging message. “Blue skies and rainbows and sunbeams from heaven are what I can see when the Lord is living in me. I know that Jesus is well and alive today. He makes his home in my heart. Nevermore will I be all alone since He promised me that we never would part.”
As Christians, even when things are not going the way that we expected we can know that Jesus is there and that He is alive. He is with us always and one day He is coming to take us home.
Derek Broome
Thank you, a great reminder of Jesus being near.