Behind the Scenes

Do you have a favorite movie? What about a favorite actor or actress? Many people who like to watch movies have a favorite movie and probably have several actors/actresses that they really like, with possibly one that is their absolute favorite. Often times our favorite actor/actress is the star of our favorite movie. Which I guess makes sense since we like it so much.

Our culture has lifted things like movies and other forms of entertainment to a high level of importance. We have taken actors and actresses to an elite level making them special to us because of their acting abilities and the characters they have played in some of our favorite films. But there is something we need to remember as we think about theses actors/actresses and as we think about these movies we love so much.

These actors and actresses, while they are very talented, did not make these movies by themselves. There were writers, directors, cameramen, lighting technicians, sound guys, co-stars, stunt coordinators, and let us not forget random guy #1, and most importantly the person in charge of caffeination. Even though many of these people never make it on screen you always know there are people behind the scenes that are making things happen.

In the Bible we read about people like Peter and Paul, who were tremendous apostles for Christ. But let us not forget about others like Andrew who brought Peter to Jesus in John 1:40-42. Or what about Barnabas who vouched for Paul in Acts 9:26-28. Think about Luke, the writer of Acts, and a companion and traveler with Paul. All of these people in scripture had an important role to play and were crucial to the work of the Church and the spreading of the Gospel in the first century .

In Romans 12:3-8 and 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 we are shown a more excellent way to look at the Body of Christ. Each part of the body is important and necessary. One body but many members, each with a different function, ability, and talent. The body of Christ needs every part to play their role. When we are working properly together the body can continue to grow and improve day by day. (Ephesians 4:16).

Here at Siwell Road we have many behind the scenes workers that are always busy with various projects like changing light bulbs, changing filters, filling food boxes, working in the pantry, filling and distributing blessing bags, checking on widows and shut-ins, providing flowers in the auditorium, writing cards, making phone calls, and talking to everyone they can about the Church and the Gospel. The list goes on and on with the countless number of ways people serve behind the scenes here at Siwell Road. We want to thank you all for everything you do for the Body of Christ. Let us all keep serving together and continue spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.