An Interview With God

I want us all to imagine ourselves sitting down in an interview with God. God is seeking His own special people. They are to be a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, and a holy nation. They are to be a people that have been called out of the darkness and into His marvelous light. (1 Peter 2:9-10). He is looking for people that will love Him, serve Him, and be obedient to His commands.

Is this something you are interested in? Will you obey His Word? Before you decide, let us talk about the benefits. 

The benefits that come with being His special people are greater than the human mind can even imagine. In Christ is every spiritual blessing, (Ephesians 1:3). We have been chosen to be holy and without blame. We have been adopted as sons and have been accepted by God. In Christ we have redemption, the forgiveness of our sins through the blood of Jesus Christ. We are saved. In Him we have purpose, a family, and the greatest inheritance of all. (Ephesians 1:3-14).

Do you want to be part of God’s special people? Will you submit to God and His Will?

The hope of God and the hope of His Church is that all people will come to Christ. (1 Timothy 2:4).  God love the world so much that He sent us His Son. (John 3:16). Jesus came into the world, lived a perfect life, and died on the cross for all of our sins. Jesus rose from the grave and gave us an opportunity to rise up and live a new life in Him. (Romans 6:4). The Gospel of Jesus Christ is good news for the entire world. It is the way to be redeemed, to have our sins washed away, and to be with the Father forever. (1 Peter 3:21, John 14:6). 

Unfortunately, some people have never known God and have not heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. They are like those that did not know about the interview and if nobody tells them they will miss out on the blessings that are in Christ Jesus. 

Some have heard about God but as they have sat down in this “interview” with God they have decided that they want no part of God. They have decided that they do not need God and that their life is theirs to live as they see fit. Some in this group even once followed after God but have turned away and are once again in the world living in sin. 

And then there are the few. These few are the ones described in Matthew 7:14 that will find the Way that leads to life. As they sat before God and examined all that God is and all that He has done and continues to do, they saw the need they had for Him and the salvation that He provides. 

One day we will all stand before the Almighty God and if we are in Christ and have walked according to the Way then we will be some of the few, his special people, that will enter into eternal life. Let us all continue to live each day for God and continue walking according to His Will. Let us also continue to preach Christ everywhere we go that some may be saved.